Friday, December 14, 2012

Beginning Bridge - Winter 2012-13

So, it is not feasible to truly learn bridge in a day but you can learn enough to get through a deal and be curious to learn more. 7 people attended middle Georgia's first such class last Saturday and all had a good time for 4+ hours. Follow up classes will be held mostly on Sunday evenings through February and anyone is welcome. Only a very basic knowledge of bridge is needed and these Sunday classes will be mostly reviewing and practicing the basics covered in week 1. Anyone is welcome to join in - just let me know and I'll get you up to speed. The goal is to be able to play in the Monday night novice game in a month or so.

The complete schedule of upcoming beginning bridge classes ($5 each):
1  Sunday, December 16 - 6:15-8pm    Review of opening bids, responses, rebids; takeout doubles
2  Monday, January 7 - 5:45-7:30pm    More review; opening leads, responding to 1NT
3  Sunday, January 13 - 5:45-7:30pm   More review; defensive strategies, counting the suits
4  Monday, January 21 - 5:45-7:30pm  More defensive strategies, declarer play strategies
5  Sunday, January 27 - 5:45-7:30pm   TBD
6  Sunday, February 10 - 5:45-7:30pm  TBD

Additionally, we will need a few caddies to help at the big regional tournament in Macon February 18-24. Caddies basically move boards from between tables, collect entry forms, and assist the directors as needed. These are paid positions ($30/session) and there are 3 sessions per day. Contact Andre Asbury (aaasbury @ if you are interested in any of the above.

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